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|Artificially Natural|


created by artist Xuanlynn Wang and collaborated with the book designer Tina De Souter in 2021. The individual book’s cover is printed by Lynn’s physical body, torn and bound by hand, resembling a unique plant. The book is designed like a package/skin, without opening the book you would not notice which body part makes you fascinated. 


The publication of 20 pages contains twenty-seven images and six paragraphs of poetry, depicting the similar relation between the surface of the human body and the veins from nature of how she addresses herself as a plant living in this world. Presenting the aesthetics of the consequences of an artificially natural world. 


|Artificially Natural|has 250 limited editions that will be officially released by the first day of the performance on the first of July.

Price: 25 € (ex. delivery fee)

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Please feel free to inquire with any part of the body that you are expected to receive on the cover of the book.

Photos by Tina De Souter

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